The Permanency Support Services Program serves families of children and youth that have been in care, and are in transition to a permanent placement, in the communities of the East and West Kootenays. Families are referred by MCFD guardianship, resource and adoption social workers within the region.
Referals are screened by the Program Director, in cooperation with the Ministry, and prioritised based on the criteria below:
This program is provided across the East and West Kootenays, through a combination of in-home and on-line outreach services.
After receiving a referral, we contact the youth (and family, as applicable) to discuss the program, and answer the youth and/or family’s questions. The results of this screening process could be to develop an admission plan, or to identify a plan for youth and/or parents for referral to alternate services.
Duration and frequency of service depends on the individual
Duration and frequency of service depends on the individual needs and goals of each youth and family; some services may have a maximum service duration.
The decision-making process regarding transition or discharge planning for youth served by the program is described above. The criteria for consideration of discharge/transition decisions include:
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