Kelowna Service


The family treatment program provides specialized and intensive in- home and community-based treatment for children & youth aged 6-18 and their famililies, who are experiencing difficulties associated with the child or youth’s diagnosed thought or mood disorder.
The focus is to help the child or youth and family increase their:
What services do we provide?
How to access this service?

All referrals are for children/youth who have an open file with CYMH, and come directly from the MCFD-CYMH clinicians or team leaders. After receiving a referral, we contact the family to discuss the program, and answer the family’s questions. An initial meeting is then set up, and the plan for service begins upon meeting the family.

How long does the family treatment program work with families?
Duration and frequency depends on the individual needs and goals of each family. The program intent is to transition when parents feel confident in their ability to support the children/ youth in their care, or the family is ready for referral to other services or supports that will address ongoing strengths, needs, abilities and preferences.
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