Kootenay Service

Intensive Support and Supervision Program (ISSP) Youth Justice Program

Program Overview

The ISSP youth justice program provides an alternative-to-custody sentencing option for youth in conflict with the law, as well as a young offender community intervention service.
The program serves youth 12-17 years old who have been convicted of a criminal offence. The goal of the program is to address factors leading to high-risk behaviours and to improve the youth’s functioning in the community by increasing their natural and community-based resources, improving life skills, achieving emotional stability, and reducing harm. The program also aims to increase involvement in school, employment, training programs, parenting support, prosocial activities and then assists the youth to transition to other supports. ISSP offers individual counselling and case management support services, along with monitoring, in collaboration with the Youth Probation team, to ensure the youth are meeting the conditions of their probation order.
ISSP provides an intensified level of community supervision and support for young offenders convicted of more serious crimes. The program supports referred youth by helping them to reduce the impact of risk factors, enhance protective factors and build on their strengths to re-integrate into the community safely and effectively. The program helps monitor compliance with the conditions of referred youth’s probation orders.

How to access this service?

Participants must be referred by the MCFD Youth Probation team.